North Lake College Virtual Museum Visit Ideas and Reflections Paper
Need help with my Art & Design question – Im studying for my class.
After your virtual museum visit, write a paper about your experience. Begin by saying what museum website you visited (e.g., “I chose the Dallas Museum of Art’s website for my virtual visit”). Then discuss the six art pieces you chose. Begin by saying something like, “The art piece that represents art for daily use is (insert art piece title, artist and media). Then go on to describe the art piece using your own impressions and ideas (conceptualize). I definitely do not want a research paper. Instead, I want you to incorporate the assigned reading into your paper and discuss the art piece as if you are describing it to someone else. You don’t have to put a lot of detail into your description necessarily. I do not expect you to write about art like an art critic would. Don’t worry about using the the terminology from the principles of design or the visual elements that are discussed in later chapters. Just write about the art in your own words.
Your paper should cover the following:
a) The Art. Tell me about the specific art pieces you saw. If you cover fewer than six art pieces, you will not be able to earn full credit on the assignment.
Feel free to tell me your impressions of individual art pieces, but don’t feel obligated to understand everything.
b) The Assigned Reading. Discuss the art pieces you saw as examples of the concepts or ideas set forth. Specifically, I want to know that you read about, understand and can apply the concepts of the six purposes and functions of art to individual art pieces. For example, if you discuss an art piece that was created to make a statement against oppressing people, you would identify it as art for political purposes.
What I don’t want:
Please don’t tell me how a featured artist is untalented or that his/her art is not worthy of display. Just remember that this is an art appreciation course so do your best to try to appreciate the art you see even if you don’t understand or like some of it. Assume for purposes of this assignment that each piece at the museum has some validity.
No “generic happy talk” please. I’m glad if you had a positive experience viewing the art on the museum’s website and if the art impressed or inspired you. That said, just skip all those superlatives for this paper and instead talk about the ideas I mentioned above.
This paper is not designed to be a research paper and I do not want you to use any outside research sources. But, if you can’t get around quoting something from the museum, by all means, cite the source. But, don’t worry about making this paper too precious.
Of course, plagiarism is forbidden. If you plagiarize, don’t expect to get any credit for this assignment. Further, students submitting plagiarized work will receive an automatic “F” for the assignment and may be reported to the school for disciplinary action. Enough said.
What I do want:
I want to hear your own ideas and reflections about the museum, the art and the concepts addressed in the assigned reading. If someone else read your paper, I would hope it would inform them about the subject matter and might even give them some insight if they’ve never been to an art museum before.
art museum:
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