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NURS 4380 Austin Peay State University Perception of Nursing by Layperson Paper

NURS 4380 Austin Peay State University Perception of Nursing by Layperson Paper

Question Description

NURS 4380 – Trends and Issues in Professional Nursing for RNsModule 1 – Image of Nursing InterviewThe assignment is meant to be an exploration of the image of nursing fromthe perspective of a lay individual. His/her perception will then bediscussed in the context of historical images, professional reality, andproblems related to the lay perceptions.Part 1: The InterviewFor this assignment you will interview one lay individual (family member,friend, and/or neighbor) regarding his/her perception of the image of theprofessional nurse. This individual cannot be a health care provider. Theassignment will address the following areas:Include a summary of the interview.Summarize the following questions asked to the interviewee:a. What is your perception of registered nurses?b. What are the most important actions registered nurses provide?c. What contact have you had with registered nurses that haveaffected your perception?d. What other experiences have influenced your perceptions ofnursing?Include answers to these additional questions:2. Which of the “historical” image periods of nursing does the interviewee’sperception most correctly match? Why? (Periods as described in thetextbook).3. How does the lay individual’s perception match the reality of nursing asyou know it?4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the lay perception for thenursing profession?5. After reviewing your assigned readings, what is one way the image ofnursing has changed throughout history?6. How has art, literature and/or social media influenced the public’s view ofthe image of nursing?Part 2: Guidelinesa. Summarize your interview assignment using correct APA format(including title page and reference page) and citations, grammar,and spelling in this assignment.b. The main body of your work should be 2-3 pages in length,addressing each area/question listed above using them asheadings.c. Post your work to the dropbox called “Assignments” by the duedate (Tasks/Assignments).d. Support your work with your assigned readings.e. Ten percent of the final grade will be deducted for each calendarday the paper is late.f. The Papers/Assignment Grading Rubric will be utilized to evaluatethis assignment. (Tasks/Rubrics/Preview underPapers/Assignments).APA Notes: Be sure to include the name of who you interviewed (with theirpermission) or you may choose to use a pseudonym (fictitious name). Besure to note the personal interview in your references.For example:Examples: Using either interviewee’s name or the pseudonym. In-text citation: (J. Smith, personal communication, August 15, 2009) References: J. Smith (personal communication, August 15,


Criteria Excellent

50 points

Above Average

45 points


40 points


20 points


0 points

Criterion Score

Compliance with directions

Contains substantive information, depth,
and addresses all required parts of the assignment.

Contains substantive information
and addresses required parts of
the assignment.

Addresses required parts
of the assignment. Could
have more substantive.


Uses citations to support all declarative statements. Most of the references are within the last 5 years, with seminal or
theoretical articles allowed to be older. Able to weave in research appropriate to t he requirements of the paper. References are the highest level, and citations are

Uses citations to support all
declarative statements. Most of
the references are within the last 5 years, with seminal or theoretical articles allowed to be older. Able to weave in research into the requirements of the paper.References are the high level, and citations are appropriate.

Uses citations to support
declarative statements.
Most of the references
are within the last 5 years.
Able to weave in scholarly
articles into the requirements of the paper. References and
citations are appropriate.

References over 5 years
old. Not citing enough.
Using inadequate high level

APA format which includes Logic and Grammar

Polished and presented in current APA format according to course syllabus. No APA, logic, or grammar errors.

References and citations included are cited according to current APA format. No logic or grammar error-

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