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SMC Girl Tale Analysis Personal Organic Lenses & Metacognition Discussion

SMC Girl Tale Analysis Personal Organic Lenses & Metacognition Discussion

Question Description

“Girl” and Organic Lenses

For this discussion post, I want you all to focus on one thing – beyond that, any other key points you’d like to make about the story are welcome!

The main focus for this discussion is YOUR organic lens, meaning what did you pay attention to in this story and where did that come from? Along with better understanding the way in which we apply lenses to a story, this will also help us bring another element of critical thinking and reading into the mix – metacognition.

Metacognition, put simply, is thinking about thinking. Why did I just think that? Where did that come from? Why did I make that connection/assumption or draw that conclusion? Lots of times we make connections or assumptions automatically, on what feels like a gut-level, but don’t interrogate where they came from.

If I tell you to picture a doctor in your head right now, do you see a man or a woman? What color is their skin? Are they particularly attractive? Non-descript? Unattractive? Chances are, you could trace back to your own experiences, racial background, gender identity, media consumption, and many other factors to figure out why you saw the person in your head that you saw. That’s metacognition! Asking ourselves why did I just think thatand then actually seeking out the answer to that question!

So, for this discussion, I want you to simply read the story and make notes about the connections you make, assumptions you have, conclusions you arrive at, without thinking too deeply about them at first. Then, go back to those notes and start interrogating – what lens did you read the story with? How does that connect to your background? Your worldview? Put some of these thoughts down in a rough and raw form first, then turn it into a more careful paragraph or two. That’s your discussion post! If you are confused about the assignment reach out as soon as possible to ensure a prompt reply.

Discussion Post Requirements (10 points)

  • Clear writing, attempts to use analytical and critical thinking-focused language
  • 1-2 specific examples from the text – use quotes for quoted language, cite the page number as well
  • Clear attempt at tracing a personal foundation to the lens you used while reading and annotating the story

Reply Requirements (5 points)

  • Replies to two different classmates’ posts; more than two is highly encouraged as that’s how a discussion might just work!
  • Respond to something specific in the post – avoid saying “great point!” or “I agree!” without saying what you specifically agree with or what point you like and why… here is the link to the story

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